A 4-year-old Lincoln enters the room with a sad look on his face. It's not my fault you guys decided to wager money!". Once the movie was over, Lincoln continued to hold onto Lori, as he was still shaken by the preceding two hours. "There will be no loud music and no playing ball in the house. In her arms, he felt just as safe and secure as he'd feel in Rita's. the younger siblings announced in unison (sans Lily, who just gave it her best shot). Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. Lori smiles and then lays on her belly. "All right Bun Bun, it looks like I'm ready." If it wasn't for you, we would've been in huge trouble although we still got busted when dad found the broken golf club. I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. No sisters, no loudness, just peace and quiet. Just us, at the beach, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the ocean? Lincoln walks upstairs to his room, leaving his family in the dining room. I'm here. Just then, he hears a knock on his door. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. Lola, you can play princess, but don't go too into character. You don't deserve this much bullying. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. "You know, being the one you always depended on. Lori: Alright! lori comforts lincoln fanfiction. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". "If the others hear about this, they'll all want to get in on it. ", Lincoln: "Yeah, I wish you guys could've seen it. "Well to be perfectly honest Lori, your farts don't smell that bad," He tried to reassure her. LINCOLN: (with his backpack on) I gotta talk to Lisa about this slide. LUCY: I just miss him. Remember whenI took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out? Can she make things right or will her life continue . Lincoln: Yes, Lori? So, can I please just get some rest?". It's literally a three-hour drive away from here. Lori: (soothingly) "There, there. (The two hear crying, it reveal to be Lori). Mama! Thanks, Boo-Boo Bear. Lincoln: (furious) SAYS THE ONE WHO MADE LORI FLY DOWN THE STAIRS!!! She didn't want her phone taken away. Mike: "I'm Mike. But why? What should I do? Obviously. It's alright. Lori: "Isn't this nice, Lincoln? (It starts the living room where Lincoln, holding a bowl of popcorn, is watching ARGGH!). Lori: Get over here and give your big sister a hug. Lori: "Wanna play at littleVolley Ball?". Before Lincoln could run off, though, he felt a dainty yet strong hand grip him by the wrist. It's like the only place you felt safe was in my arms. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Leni, you can do fashion, but you can't be tearing the walls down to get the materials. Lincoln took the opportunity to get himself settled in, claiming a seat on the couch and draping a blanket over himself. AND FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED A MONTH AGO?! Lori and Lincoln dance for a couple minutes). What should I do?" Bobby: "Hmm. Lori: "I know how you feel. Lynn: I never leave home without my lucky horseshoe. The two stay at the arcade for an hour. Lincoln's voice trailed off as another thought crossed his mind. "And I missed having you hold me like this, too. You of all people should know how bad that costume is. ", Lori: "Wow. Can't a girl just want to spendsome time with her little brother?". Lori's home for the next few days since Fairway College is closed for President's Week, and she jumped at the chance to do another one of these with us! Young Lincoln: "Thanks, Lori. Lincoln whispered as they walked into the living room. The three nod in fear. Lori came in and saved me from them. Luna: (sarcastic) Oh look girls, Sleeping Beauty has a risen from her sleep! LINCOLN: Luna, Leni, you're the only ones who stood up for me and I appreciate that. ", Leni: "Did you get in trouble at school? You're not bad luck. We was very close, too. He then felt a ginger tap on his shoulder, which shocked him enough to elicit a gasp and a shudder. When he looked to his right, he saw Lori looking over at him, giving him a smile - a warm one, completely devoid of any trace of malice, mischief or condescension. Lana: Well. They were mad about the football incident because they made a bet and they lost 50 dollars and they blamed me for it and, and-", Lori: (comfortingly)"Shhh. LORI, LUAN, LUCY, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: YEAH! There's never a dull moment with your family, is there? This was almost too good to be true. It was on sale.". As soon as Rita said that, the girls rush out of their rooms and head to the dining room. Lincoln: "Hey Lori. He then drops his stuff and helps Lori up and help her get upstairs. "So what are we watching?" Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. LINCOLN: Yep. He really misses Ronnie Anne that much? (Leni gasp in shock to see Lola tying up Lincoln and start attacking him), (She grabs Lincoln away from Lola and untie him). What happens next shows a full montage of Lori doing her best at doing the chores, but the other sister interfering and making a bigger mess. ", Bobby: "It always works for Ronnie Anne. It feels good to be needed, you know? But don't worry. Just after the call ended, his smile fades away and he begins to look sad. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. And besides, maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. You teased me long enough. have been thinking about it and we decided that we need some time to ourselves, so we're gonna be going to a hotel for the weekend. Lori opens the door and enters Lincoln's room with a smile on her face. His living room had gotten smaller as all of them slowly grew up. ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! You're talented. These are my friends Duncan and Drake. Lisa: (nervous) Uhit's actually a sprain becau-. "You may disperse as soon as I blow my whistle," she said, as she kept a watchful eye on each sibling to make sure they didn't budge until she gave the command. They all quickly step back after his lash out. Along with this being standard fare for fanfics that venture into mature/adult territory it's inappropriate for someone Lori's age to be touching her much younger than her sibling in that manner and for him to be touching her that way. Well, what are you gonna do about it, little man?". Lori looks at Lincoln who is down on his hands and knees. By Posted google sheets script get row number In los angeles skateboard deck Oh boy, was she mad! I hope they'll be fine. I was thinking that maybe we could spend a little time together after lights out. ", Ronnie Anne: "Well, it's almost time for dinner. It was alright. ", Lincoln: "Uhh, yeah. Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. The sisters stand in silence for a few seconds with worried looks on their faces. We have done so much to you tonight, and we're terribly sorry. Lincoln, remembering why he's with her in the first place, heads toward the card. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a bettersister. Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. "But when you were a little kid, you almostalwaysran to me whenever you got scared. Title and idea suggested by Aartistboy714, so credits go to him. Lana: Again! Am I clear?!". Lincoln makes his way to the restroom. Lincoln: Don't you see, everytime something has happen to me because of you girls, you always came back and apologized, doing whatever you can for me. Staff Member #2: "You kids are coming with us. YOU BROKE MY ANKLE!!! ", Lori: (smugly) "Yeah? You came around before as well. Before she could get into the kitchen, she sees Lola with a glass of milk in her hands. I kind of missed it. Lynn Sr: Uh.right. From 9 to 9:30, Lincoln paced around his tiny bedroom, wishing that he could make the hands of the clock move faster. You're so much more capable than you think you are.". He didn't smell bad at dinner. LUAN: True, I still can't believe it was you who clogged the toilet and read Princess Pony. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (cries) Lincoln: Lori, please don't cry. I'll say. LANA: I got a little hungry. I love you.". I'm here for you. You don't want my back to get burned, do you? Leni: What is wrong with us?! LUCY: Don't remind me, Luan. As much as he feared what she had in store for him, he was even more afraid of what she'd do if he disobeyed her, so he followed along. "Missed it? Lincoln: Please. I thought I could get though it alone, but I just kept feeling worse. Also, that time when all of you arguing was partially my fault. Lori drives Lincoln to a very familiar restaurant; Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. Mike punches Lincoln all over hisupper bodyanda couple times in his face. "You were about two years old - maybe two and a half," said Lori. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. It'll never be perfect in this house, but you girls sure know how to make it up, Lincoln gives her a warm smile, making her smile too. They all start smiling and get closer to her bed. ", Lori: (surprised) "Really? Lori: Aw, thank you Lola, you shouldn't have! Hope you enjoy. She looks down and sees a button. ", Lori: "Yes. ", Duncan: "For that last game, we made a wager with some other guys. ", Lincoln: "I guess not. This made them get out of their nervous state and calm down. This work could have adult content. I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. It was an exciting day at Royal Woods Elementary school as Lincoln ventured into his locker. ", Lori: "So, have you talked to her, lately? Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. As he walked behind her, he tried to get a glimpse of her face, just to reassure himself that she wasn't mad at him. I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. If you don't want to though, that's fine. Lincoln looks at Lori with a smile. Lincoln: (sadly) "Oh, Ronnie Anne. Eventually, though, the minute hand reached the halfway point, and as soon as it did, Lincoln heard a soft knock on his door. I'm literally getting them back once I get the chance! And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. Lori kisses his forehead and they fall asleep. ", Lori: "Lincoln. Is anything broken?! Pillow soft and deep. ", Rita: "Are you sure? I DON'T NEED A SCIENTIFIC REASON! Luna: Oh, you didn't know? Lincoln and Lori went against the two teenagers. LENI: I know. It's allover. Not only that, they threatened to tell Mom and Dad that I broke the golf club and get them to take away my phone so I can't talk to Bobby! Those guys were crazy! She'll never let you hear the end of that. Whatever they were talking about, that occured a month ago, and they're making a big fit of it now?! Maybe they're right, I should leave. Lori and Lynn hive fived each other, when the other sisters turned around, then were startled by Leni's angry glare. Mythird fanfiction. ", Lori: (in her head) *sigh* "So Close. He knew he'd be in for some serious teasing if Lori saw him getting scared. with him! There's nothing here to dread. said Lori, who responded by tightening her grip. Luna: (low voice) Welp.We did it, didn't we? Hermione smiled and took a deep breath, steeling herself to go back inside the cottage. Lori (laughing): I know right? I can't believe it's been a week since Lincoln ran away. It was a stupid plan, considering that we were trying to get back to you from something that happened a month ago! (Luna break into tears and run in her room, Luan run after to comfort Luna, not before angrily glaring at Lori, Lynn, Lana, and Lola), (It shows Lincoln in Hazeltucky, he walking around the town and reaches a motel), (He went to a motel room, it's a nice motel room with a single bed, a TV, a couch, bathroom). We wish your ankle with all of the care it could ever have and we just want to end this off by saying, Lori is even more heartwarmed by the card. ", Lincoln: "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, that wasme. Lori: For all of the bullying you go through with us. LINCOLN: I forgot to write it on the letter. (He hugged Lori, Lynn, Lana, and Lola, they, except Luna and Leni, walk away). "I-I can't believe I said that. We're all here for you. I have been rather harsh, and bossy in the past. He can see Lori frown, while she stares at her sprained ankle. (Lori suddenly attacked him and took over the couch, much to Lincoln's frustration) LINCOLN: Come on, Lori! Then, they see the parents walk into the Living room with Lori. The two enter the cinema andlook at what movies are playing. He then pull up his poster to used the cord to reveal the inflatable slide). he asked. Lola: What's going on? Just then, a few staff member appear. WELL, I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT, BECAUSE LOOK WHAT YOU DID! I shouldn't have. LYNN: Me?! They notice their mother sitting at the dining room table reading a book. Mike prepares to throw another punch at Lincoln. "In fact, I've got another story to tell you.". and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. AS the film's suspense ramped up, he started gritting his teeth and grabbing fistfuls of the couch cushions. Just then, the Loud parents come in the living room. They start marching away, but then they heard a shout. He won't even tell anyone. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). whispered Lincoln, inching across the couch towards her. Lincoln and Lori go to seperate changing stations to change into their swimwear. Not only that, but he sees a face of fear in the rest of the sisters, Lucy: Don't worry sister. Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? Occasionally, she'd reach over and feed him a hot pocket. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. The two splash each other and then begin to playfully wrestle. I guess it wouldn't hurt if we hung out today. But you'll be fine. Lincoln: "Yeah. She falls asleep and the two sleep togther in each others' arms for the rest of the night. IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW! LORI: I need to watch Dream Boat. This time, Lincoln is joined by Lori, Lana, Lisa and Lily.] But I know what I'm gonna do. Description. Even though I hate him, I still love him. Ronnie Anne and I haveseven years. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and i'll see you guys next time, Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. Young Lori: *sighs* "Okay, Lincoln. ", Lori began to rub her hand in a circular motion across Lincoln's back. She chuckled. ", Lori giggled. Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. I wasn't trying to baby you. It was awesome. It's been a month since Ronnie Anne moved away, and everyone is starting to worry about you. We're your family. "Plus, youwerethe one who taught me how to tie my shoe, and how to whistle, and how to ride a bike. Lori runs off the find Lincoln. WARNING: This story will contain a violent scene later on, but no blood. After staying at the beach for almost an hour, the two got dressed in their normal clothes, packed everything up, got inside Vanzillaand head to their next stop; the arcade. We bet 50 dollars that you would win. ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? "Seriously? They all group hug, with Lori doing her best to sit up and join in, ignoring the slight pain again. And if you ever need me, my phone is always on.". They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. (Luna and Leni heard the whole thing and look at each other, worried; Later, Lincoln thank of what they said to him, took a backpack and pack his things, he took a box under his bed and open it to reveal lots of money and stuff it in his pockets, he then wrote a letter and place on his bed. And when they did, it was always too late because you were either injured or really mad. The staff member take the teens away. She looks down and sees a button. But, thanks for asking. Eventually, though, he reached his limit. Lori: "Hey Lincoln. She began the evening as she typically did - clad in army fatigues, with her trusty whistle around her neck and her younger siblings lined up against the wall in order of age. In less than a second, Lincoln, having tears in his eyes,hugs Lori. LUNA: That doesn't mean you have to kick him out! All five of his older siblings, to their credit, did their fair share of work looking after him. Lori is nearly done with the hallway, but feels her foot step on something. Mike punches Lincoln in his gut. Lincoln grabs his pillow ad follows Lori to her and Leni's room. P.S. ", Young Lincoln: "I'm sorry for waking you, but can Isleep with you?