You have won our pointless battle." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shirou was silent. Im Emiya Shirou, he replied, and his brows furrowed. "Could you give him some mana?" The world around them was replaced with a wasteland filled with swords, gears floating in the sky. Shinji ran away, pissing his pants in fear. Gil would be summoned as a female and somehow fall in love with shirou. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to . Wire frame replicas of gears hung in the sky. Archer stood atop the stairs in the wrecked lobby. Shirou grasped for reason before the reality that a shiny golden man had warded off a blue spandex man armed with a glowing red stick by throwing money at the latter with all the flare and force of miniature falling stars. A cry that could only be described as pain escaped Tiamat, her eyes breaking away from Gudako to stare up at the skies, filled with the winged creatures meant to replace humanity. Caster spun around in the air, creating a series of runes in the air that all fired rays of magic upon Astolfo. Little did he know that this innocuous encounter would mark the beginning of a great tale of adventure, heroism, and perhaps, if he is very lucky, a little romance. Astolfo said. Or even something more. His grip was surprisingly light. Archer let two enormous blades hover beside him, prepared to strike. "You should go and save your Master.". Gilgamesh probably does his own thing in the Holy Grail War. Kirei was almost annoyed. ", "In the hospital." A summoning circle glowed near him, and a Servant appeared from it before Saber's very eyes. Shinji's the only Master he has immediately on hand. Twenty five meters were left between them, and Shirou was going to close every bit of that distance. Astolfo was the one to step forward. Gil: and well this guy walked in . He is above the petty mongrel feeling of desire. Their battle was like lightning, intense and instantaneous. Lancer was just baffled. THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFICTION.NET. It wasn't so much that she was weak so much as her Master was outright worthless for supporting her. "Or a version of him. "What do you want the Holy Grail for? Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. Fujimura questioned. He intends to use the Holy Grail to bring about the world's greatest calamity. j1l7 . Also it has plenty of Tamamo so there's that. THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFI. There was simply too much on his mind. "Emiya, kill him! He was too busy processing whatever nonsense he had just said. "Go rescue Rin Tohsaka. Otherwise, you can go to any of my other websites to read it there! "Master, it has been an honor to serve you.". 'I don't know, I just looked at one of your Noble Phantasms and - it just happened. Rin stated, as Karna collapsed onto the floor of the living room. A gigantic collection of oversized weapons hung from his jacket and belt, and he had a rusty set of chains and a . "I don't truly have a wish. Shirou was now ten meters away, and still kept moving. Speaking in Astolfo's presence was probably going to give her headache. The result: chaos. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? Her chest had a gaping hole in it, pouring blood out the wound. "I apologize, Lancer, but my Master has ordered me to retreat from this battle. The battle sped up from there as Archer began to start taking this seriously. "I had gone through the Holy Grail War." He is a sword,. The sound of Astolfo's Noble Phantasm, or one of them at least. He rocketed forward, attempting to close the distance. Shirou desperately reached out, hoping to prevent Karna from sacrificing himself. As a veritable newborn, young Shirou had wandered without direction as the fire had filled him with ash and grief instead of a character or a soul; indeed, he would learn that nothing was ever his to keep just as everything was his to take, like a bucket with a hole. With my approval, our contract is sealed.. Unlike the other cards that were transferred to more accessible areas, his card was placed deep into the Earth, lost on the way to the "This battle is gonna go nowhere at this rate. However, Gilgamesh was a different story. Lancer punctuated that sentence by lunging at Astolfo. Astolfo stated, pushing his lance to force Saber back. The blade transformed into Balmung, the sword wielded by the invincible hero of the Netherlands, Siegfried. "No, the priest did not send me. At least, that was what he had inferred, based on the circumstances of his summoning. Summary: Sometimes, Rin gets the Saber she's wanted. . And even trying to use his flames didn't work, as Gilgamesh merely blocked them with more weapons. Strings of magic trapped Shirou and Rin, and threatened to kill them should Karna try to stop her. "My plan? The fiery red flames danced wildly, painting the landscape a dark black with each brush stroke. While cooking breakfast, Fujimura Taiga arrived, greeting everyone. He still pushed through in spite of the pain. "Good morning Shirou, Sakura, Tohsaka, guy I don't know!". Saber arrived at the Emiya household, annoyed. . It wasn't that she was necessarily evil so much as she was in a very bad place and has been in that very bad place for a long time. Karna remarked. "Lancer, look out!". Archer's barrage only sped up. The lance exploded with a demonic aura. Rin informed. "May we meet each other again in the future. ", "Then we've gotta destroy it." Unlimited Blade Works faded away, replacing their surroundings with the Einzbern mansion. Shirou almost felt wasteful witnessing these stunning works of smithery follow a straight path instead of swing and clash in the air with skill as they were meant to, but the sight lasted only a second. And defend it did, barely managing to hold up against the assault while Shirou summoned a weapon his other hand. He needed to win. While Karna and Gilgamesh were busy battling, Kirei was continuing to relish in Shirou's suffering. No, that's putting it lightly. I am Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, sovereign over Uruk, Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Bow. More portals opened up, firing weapon after weapon to cut off Karna's escape routes. The expected sound of clashing metal was instead replaced with a single blaring note. "I presume you are Saber?" Rider falls for him in FHA and has no direct reason to kill him, so I think they could be able to at least collaborate at first before she goes all waifu. Between Lancer and Rin Tohsaka, the pair had more than enough information to explain the current circumstances. Karna stated. If Shirou were to be an ass and ignore the King's demands. What would happen when Ritsuka summons Emiya Shirou in Chaldea? "Tohsaka has formed a connection between herself and I, allowing her to act as my mana supply. Shirou unleashed a flurry of slashes from every angle, and Kuzuki blocked them with every ounce of speed Caster had granted him. Even with his class, most Servants wouldn't be that intent on keeping him at well above arm's length. Even if you killed every Shirou in every world, I don't think you could be set free. He failed to save someone right in front of him. Work Search: Astolfo barely managed to to survive the first strike, jumping back and whistling. The man, Gilgamesh, said. Like literally Shirou is a gopher type person who literally does minor tasks for others just by asking him. Every single bit of standard reasoning regarding the Holy Grail War had been flipped on its head in the span of a single battle. "Hey, Shirou." Shirou and Astolfo would defeat Gilgamesh, and then Rin would destroy the Holy Grail with the sword Astolfo gave her immediately afterward. Do you have a wish, Master? He fired a barrage of weapons. Gilgamesh probably only kill Shirou Emiya if: If Shirou were to be arrogant and demand the King to do something. Astolfo said. Saber punctuated her sentence by lunging. Lancer closed the distance between them in an instant, thrusting his lance in an odd way that impossibly struck Astolfo in the heart. And let us see what you are capable of.". Lancer parried a blow, stepping back. "I wish I was allowed to savor this battle a little longer, but my Master has ordered me to use my Noble Phantasm." "Astolfo, get out of the-!" "Yep! Astolfo warmly smiled, hugging him. (NOTE. Astolfo gulped, raising her lance in preparation to block. "I suppose I should have expected this. Shirou felt like he was barely following this conversation. "You're giving this to me?". Caster just stared in utter shock at seeing a mere boy project Noble Phantasms. They were both Counter Guardians. Kuzuki grabbed him by the neck, strangling him with just one hand. Karna cracked a small smile, his turn to be amused by the other's response. This is the only way to ensure your survival." The problem, of course, was actually getting there amidst the onslaught of treasures. A man wakes up in the body of King Ghidorah in DxD. A teacher was a Master, who killed Saber. Kojirou pretty much just wants to get into swordfights, so if for some really twisted and Nasulike reason Shirou managed to summon him I don't see why they couldn't work together. A couple days passed without anything going on, until Shinji Matou enacted a Bounded Field to start melting the other students at school to fuel his Servant. Rin also deduced that Gilgamesh would go to Ryudou Temple to open the Holy Grail. His skill told him that Shirou was probably one of the most heroic people in this era, even if he seemed to bear an odd emptiness in his spirit. And perhaps at the end of the road would be a reunion with the one who helped them down that path. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. "What are you doing here?". But this time, the head of Tohsaka got two archers. A tortured man with a heart that burns for justice stood before him. . She was beautiful. I want to fight Shirou Emiya. Nothing else mattered in that moment. Kuzuki moved faster than any human should ever move, grabbing the lance and throwing Astolfo into a wall. And then she suddenly bolted, ordered by her Master to return to him. "You survived mongrel?! Caster attacked them on the Fuyuki Bridge. Saber explained, keeping her gaze trained on Caster. What if Ritsuka Summons Shirou Emiya in Chaldea | PART 1 | fate stay night | fate Grand orderABOUT THIS STORY:This is the story about what would happen when . and our "What about you?". He defeated me in the final battle for the Holy Grail, and made his wish. Karna was without his armor, and was riding a chariot. I suppose you could call it something like that. Ally of justice. He didnt have his tracing when he summoned Saber. He was within range. "He's going to destroy himself. . Saber stated, stepping into Karna's path so he couldn't get at Gilgamesh. And then he rose back up. that shirou summoned in chaldea fic bashes gilgamesh so much..that author probably just saw fate route anime and decided he was going to make op shirou emiya. But . "Please, put a stop to my Master. And the lance clearly had something special about it that made Lancer wary of being struck by it. Entered into the fifth holy grail war, he resolves to save as many as he can. ", Gilgamesh laughed, amused by the sheer audacity of the request. Please consider turning it on! Rin mumbled, regaining consciousness after the previous blow knocked her out. Karna was sent flying into a building, crashing through it and landing on the other side. Shirou deflected them with Kanshou and Bakuya, sending them flying into the air and then landing behind him. Gilgamesh stated. You've been here for about a week. Shirou found irony in the fact that Gilgamesh could fight for the both of them no sweat. "I feel the same way." Synopsis. This is a fanfiction crossover that has been on my mind 24/7 and I can't seem to stop thinking ab. Berserker lunged, aiming to tear Astolfo to pieces with his axe-sword. Caster stated, creating a rune in the air that she aimed at Rin. Rin attempted to throw a jewel charged with magic at him. While Karna and Archer were talking, Caster had taken the opportunity to kidnap Shirou in an attempt to get Karna under her control. But survival was all he needed. Alternate Title: "Modern Morgan". Berserker's blow hit Karna dead-on. (NOTE. I've got a friend that I think you'd really like to meet.'. Death was seeking him for a third time. Needless to say, Karna immediately began pursuit the moment he realized what was happening. He would need to speak with his Master regarding her at a later date. "Archer, stand down!" To drag me into a worthless wasteland?" Howsoever the lancer had managed to survive the onslaught, the spearman was gone and the light was not, and Shirou lifted his gaze up to an armoured figure silhouetted by the rings of light behind him almost as golden as he. I have business in Fuyuki and am lodging here for the time being." Shirou's words must have struck a nerve. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Gates of Babylon." Rin is then killed. The alternative was letting Kirei win and use the Holy Grail. With many relationships of those who know the certain bowman and even not. "The Grail is trying use me as a replacement?!" For some reason, the man with dark skin seemed to carry an air similar to Karna. Shirou looked down at his hand. Even with Rin's frankly obscene mana capacity, he still couldn't use his Noble Phantasms recklessly. When? ", "Rin, can I trust you to use it to destroy the Grail?". He deflected an oddly familiar longsword, pushing forward more and more. Shirou's entrenched hero instinct would get the better of him, and he would do something supremely retarded like try to take a hit for Gilgamesh, which would either seriously piss Gilgamesh off, or he might be entertained enough to encourage Shirou to try again. Gilgamesh opened up more portals, attempting to use his chains to trap Karna. When the smoke cleared, Lancer was gone. She raised her sword to the sky, dispelling the sheath of air around it.