tali-EDI intercom conversation about usefulness of quarians to reapers and war effort - forgot if this also triggers with geth alive or if this is specific to this mission. james eyeballs jack. Grunt loyalty: Mordin - I think that it makes the most sense for Mordins character arc if you bring him but he has no interesting dialogue. other than that, most of garrus' lines are just swapped for liara's. It turns out he's been creating Krogan for the Blue Suns, yet most of them are failures. For the best results DONT bring Zaeed, Garrus, or Grunt. grunt + zaeed for blood pack and blue suns interaction, respectively. While they may not offer any Biotic powers, Grunts brute force and Talis Tech skills make them an underrated team throughout Mass Effect 2. I know this is a little late, but having just done Jacob's loyalty mission with Thane as the other squaddie, I strongly recommend Mordin going instead. confirmed unique to this mission. For example, my Warp+Overload (+Throw) Sentinel excelled at stripping defenses and Warp-bombing or Throwing, so Mordin, Jack, Samara/Morinth, and Jacob were the best options. Similarly to Wrex in Mass Effect 1, Grunt fills the role of tank in Shepard's squad. deescalation instead of feeding the conflict, let's not start a fight: in the weapons detectors area if you didn't bring liara yet kaidan, ash, tali and garrus will remind you to bring her (wrex doesn't care). A Biotic heavy combination with a small sprinkle of Tech, these two provide a wide variety of powers to use and combine to cause all sorts of blue magic panic. Overlord. On Purgatory Garrus + Mordin is the best combination. I like using both Tali and Garrus because this is the first mission with both of them and the antagonist of it is a ME1 character. This leads to another enjoyable section where you have to defend your position from the incoming horde of mercs. As is the Korgan way, Grunt is built like a tank and can take down waves of enemies with his shotgun. "Dossier: The Professor" ( Mass Effect 2) The recruitment mission for Dr. Mordin Solus is among the first Shepard can take in Omega, a crime-ridden station that feels (and probably smells . Garrus Overload means shields can still be taken down quickly without fear. everyone will have lines depending on their own points of view, these above are the ones noteworthy. Similar to Mass Effect 3, you have a crew in Andromeda that you'll build from scratch. This is the most useful guide ever and in a quick condensed format, easy to read and follow through. The only one coming along nicely is still in the tank, and he'll later be named Grunt. Kasumi's recruitment. People who want to romance Tali would also miss out on the dialogue if you cheated on Liara. Where Garrus prefers to take enemys out with a long-range combat style, Tali prefers to go in all guns blazing with her shotgun. garrus will say he advised the primarch to order a full retreat. Rough Guides' rundown of Thailand's best sights and experiences. Dossier the Assassin: Anyone - Any squad is fine. kasumi at c-sec entrance: "i swear i didn't touch anything! The way he excitedly remembers/realizes he has a gun cracks me up. edi fails a joke. See Anderson, get reinstated (or not), do some side assignments for quick leveling. jack may or may not comment on EDI's body depending on whether she greeted garrus first. The goal is to get to the vigilante known as Archangel, who the Eclipse, Blood Pack, and Blue Suns are all wanting to take down. Project overlord: Tali/Jacob/Miranda - I think its good for Miranda and Jacob to see the bad side of Cerberus and Tali because of the Geth. Nothing special, so bring who you like. I also normally have Jacob as the 2nd squad leader for some variety when going through the seeker swarms because I like to give every single character a role in the suicide mission. Note: if you don't see any tabs on mobile devices, force the browser to load the desktop version. Best Mass Effect 2 Crewmates: Grunt. In regards to both recruitment and loyalty quests, it's one of the best. This is a guide for what is in my opinion the best mission order for story reasons and what squadmates to bring on which missions for the most unique dialogue, while still being able to do missions in an order that makes sense. joker and the rest avoid mentioning jack altogether (except if she died in the suicide mission - got these bits from a fresh nonimport game where jack is flagged dead but never recruited), garrus for the insight on turian military + james are the best squadmates to bring for dialogue, tali and EDI will go nuts on what is possibly the longest intercom conversation in the game after this mission. While this duo may struggle against the Geth or other synthetic heavy missions, bringing them along when facing The Collectors makes quick work of what can sometimes be frustrating gameplay scenarios. Leaving at least 2 missions for the post game allows you to see all of Legions conversations on the Normandy. Im currently almost done with my current ME2 playthrough and I will try to confirm this myself. traynor, joker, EDI, steeeeeeeve, kaidan, legion/geth VI, james (will change depending on whether you brought him), javik-tali intercom conversation (factors change on whether you brought javik and if you romanced tali), garrus-tali intercom conversation (factors change on whoever's the urdnot leader), garrus will hold a lengthy heart-to-heart session about leadership and the war. I like doing Lair of the Shadow Broker right before the Reaper IFF; someone on here said it was basically Shepard's personal loyalty mission, especially if they romanced Liara in ME1. Taking Grunt on the Archangel recruitment mission really surprised me, it wasn't just a unique dialogue, it was a back-and-forth conversation and they even extended the cutscene with an extra scene. Of the others, Kasumi's . An unlikely combo, pairing the Geth Squadmate Legion with the loyal Cerberus Officer Miranda Lawson can be a great team for those playing through with a Commander Shepard that isnt a Tech-focused class. While Kasumis Tech abilities Shadow Strike, Overload and Flashbang Grenade can effectively take down shields, Grunt can go in and finish the job. james, javik and garrus will have comments on rachni and grunt. but samara does not know him so squadmates will note if liara is present in this mission or not. For me, my choice of squadmates depends on how I am playing my class. Augments: 5x Kinetic Coil Usually I choose my squadmates based on the . at c-sec entrance, both doors (human and turian gatekeepers). During the final mission of Mass Effect 2, Shepard will be faced with a series of choices, each of which drastically affects who lives and dies by the end of the . During the Suicide Mission, you'll be given a series of choices. to that end i'll attempt to trace the most "logical" sequence of events that must happen in order to get all 7 conversations (because i spectacularly bombed one of my insanity runs on this). the choices below may be mutually exclusive. if tali+ash on squad then tali will talk with liara). Arrival: this DLC was the last released for ME2, and basically is a little mini prologue to Mass Effect 3. Need high paragon or renegade at the end if Miranda is loyal. Dossier Archangel: Zaeed and Grunt - Both of these characters have full conversations with some of the characters in this mission. too bad aeian t'goni took care of her sister weeks before. RELATED: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Best DLC, Ranked. Second team leader: Garrus or Jacob. Escort: anyone, but it must be Mordin if you don't take him with you. nobody has anything unique to say here, unsurprisingly. bring zaeed on any of the merc missions (especially those dealing with blue suns). After completing the IFF do NOT do any N7 missions or DLC until the post game. basically everyone will have lines based on their own personalities. He has a degree in Film and Television studies and is now a freelance writer. Admittedly, I'm not super good at that. Grunt and Tali are a combination that works against any type of enemy. at least one playthrough with him from start to finish is mandatory. Firewalker missions: Anyone - I think it gives you a nice change of pace if you do Firewalker about here. In ME1 and 3, squad combos aren't as necessary, but in ME2, with fragile health and shields and relatively few powers to use, it is a vital element. Horizon: Garrus/Miranda/Mordin - Garrus has some things to say to a character in this mission. Thane Loyalty - If Bailey mentions the Shepard VI Garrus and Tali will joke about it a little. javik is optional for all missions involving reaper destroyers (, tevos is hot, irissa not. also including bit about phantoms. Miranda for good Cerberus-specific dialogue. Dossier the Convict: Miranda and Grunt - Miranda has some dialogue with someone else if you bring her and Grunt has some funny lines. For the time being Im gonna remove it from the guide. the reapers are winning." Garrus has unique dialogue, but his powers aren't too useful here. Its only if you do the N7s and DLC etc that things dont go well? It creates an interesting scenario where you're fighting your way to a target that isn't yours. if you told him the truth, he'll have an opinion on whether the urdnot leader realizes the deception or not - wrex might have gotten it but wreav is too stupid. yes, they exist. In 2013 IGN rated the Mass Effect Trilogy the best Xbox 360 game(s) out of a list of 25, and the 7th best PS3 game(s) out of a list of 25. Grunt recruitment . The fighting isn't bad either as it includes plenty of husks, which are always satisfying to kill. james is a good option in this. depending on your playstyle this might be difficult to pull off - that is, if you're hoping for a coherent sense of events progression and quest completion given the shortened time frame between IFF installation and collector kidnapping. Collector ship. EDI and tali / garrus for interaction with jacob. most everyone will have an opinion here. Thanks for your hard work! Tali recruitment. this is generally a game-changing event so most everyone will have something to say after mission. Instead, you pick him up on the mission to retrieve the Reaper IFF. Any Barriers that need to be Warped? Horizon. if shep's biotic, kaidan + garrus. Legion and Samara still can provide long-distance gun support and their powers can come in handy when enemies get a little too close for comfort. Samara loyalty. the best times to take citadel breaks on mass effect 3: since tali's issues are resolved at this time (she's dead if not or she'd be wondering why the hell she's gallivanting on the far side of the galaxy while the migrant fleet burns), also an appropriate moment to do the citadel DLC's story missions. They both also maintain a cold and calculated approach in their interactions with other characters and in combat. The story of Okeer trying to make a perfect Krogan is an interesting one. even tali and legion. Talis Tech heavy skillset paired with Samaras Biotic prowess can be a great team to bring along with a Soldier or combat-heavy Commander Shepard. Mass Effect 2 rebuilds both Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew from the ground up. First thing Shep would do is see off the old ship. Thank you for using/reading my guide! What makes these two both individually great Squadmates is that they can be paired with virtually any other companion, and itll still be a solid matchup. What also makes this team successful is their ability to survive combat encounters and not go down without a fight. interesting exchange here because next dialogue differs whether you sabotaged the genophage cure or not. talking w/ anoleis: this actually depends on the background. kaidan will hold a heart to heart session in the crew quarters. Garrus and Ashely are one of Mass Effect's best squads in combat. This is quite a beast with a 10 move, 7 Strength, 7 Toughness, and 13 wounds. Appearances: Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3. Yes, it's odd to put this here, but: lots of XP, 60k creds, free tech upgrade, unlocks Flashbang Grenade, and you find the Locust, the best SMG in the game, crucial for all non-Soldier classes. The main reason to send Mordin is to keep him safe during the last stand. Can someone please explain this line to me "leave at least 1 N7 mission for the post game in order to access all of the videos". If you screw it up, you may still fix it later. shepard replies in the negative. For the purposes of this video, I'm approaching the best . liara + garrus for the yahg (both times) and wrex interactions. I struggled so much because this was my first time playing ME2 on console, so I couldn't edit my save to give myself more paragon and renegade points to roleplay however I wanted. Edit: Someone else has directly messaged me and said that there was no dialogue. RELATED: Mass Effect 4 Needs to Avoid Andromeda's Biggest Pitfall. RELATED: Mass Effect: Who's the Better Soldier, Urdnot Grunt or Garrus Vakarian? Instead of running around blasting mercs, you need to seduce Morinth to set up a trap. Jack recruitment. strange lorewise, moderately amusing otherwise. If a squadmate that is unavailable has unique dialogue that is worth seeing I will mention it. Mordin and Miranda for best powers; Grunt and Zaeed for best story with the mercs. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . Do this at any point, really. Thane recruitment. this, however, requires shooting udina first on. Mass Effect 2 rebuilds both Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew from the ground up. RELATED: Mass Effect: Commander Shepard's 5 Most Dangerous Side Missions (& 5 Easy Ones). ashley and her typical gung-ho attitude on this. others: james, allers, kaidan (especially narmy), garrus, liara. Pairing Jacks Shockwave or Pull with Mirandas Warp attack can lead to some massive Biotic damage. bring james to all missions requiring squadmates to fix something (in order of increasing lulz value: bring EDI on missions where transmissions are jammed if you want your suspension of disbelief stretched a bit (well she's still just controlling the body from normandy, right): missions where you talk to her as if she's replying from the ship when her body's beside you also work. supported by some dialogue to boot. For the purposes of this video, I'm approaching the best . liara comments a bit about biotics and hunger correlation. bring them both to the same stand at the same time for maximum lulz), miranda / jack (lv 28 - dark star lounge), derelict reaper: (tali / garrus) + (miranda / samara / thane), everybody asks if liara has ever uncovered a dinosaur. On top of his ability to regenerate health, Mass Effect 2's Grunt can receive both health and armor boosts, giving him significant combat endurance. I usually end up doing Tali's loyalty at some point before, then doing IFF, then Legion's loyalty, then straight to the next part of the game. no idea yet if i'll be arsed to note them all here or just the noteworthy ones. Both quests are designed to introduce you to the characters and set up their real assignments. If your playing on insanity do this one early. As an expert assassin who feels morally conflicted about almost every kill, Thane's "samurai-like" lifestyle and complex views are more than enough to make him one of the . there is a clickable vista here. everyone's also talkative but mostly side comments unless notable - which will be added here. dialogue may change whether you also chose to do. allers (delayed reporting of thessia fiasco). Grunt recruitment. javik draws geth-zhatil parallels. If you have Throw, yourself, be sure to get Throw Field at level 4: it's a lifesaver against husk hordes, particularly at the end. bring legion around on your very first visit to the citadel. if james is the one driving during the kai leng chase scene, recall his previous stint with the kodiak on mars. shep replies that the inside man would've been caught easily. No squad mates. mostly just tali being reminded of her military dad and being royally pissed off about it enough to impact normandy's shielding capabilities. Tali Loyalty - Again, some very interesting stuff happens if Legion is with you. derelict reaper - activating legion and conversation 1, bringing legion with tali to the alarei then talking to him afterwards - conversation 2 and acquiring loyalty mission, doing loyalty mission - conversation 3 (asking about heretics), IFF READY, CREW GETS KIDNAPPED - conversation 4 (there was a hole), collectors taken care of - conversation 5 (do-these-units-have-a-soul), doing side missions with tali right after kidnapping her from the migrant fleet (everything that's not in between. From beginning to end, there are very few duds. You will . that said, of particular note is the conditionals on your shep: if you romanced the plus-one or not, if your scars are showing or not. Perhaps that is why so many games were born with this theme such as Mass Effect that transports us to an amazing adventure. The reason for not being able to DLC and N7 missions is because they count towards the timer and it's best to do every loyalty mission before the final mission. javik identifies your squadmates by race. Mordin is a treasure trove, story-wise, and is also a great squad member. The galaxy needs a hero to rise to the occasion, and live up to her father's legacy. This is my recommended mission order to maximize storytelling and get the best out of your characters, such as obtaining as many unique lines of dialogue as possible. Powerful enough that, without Mass Effect getting equivalent buffs to the SupCom standard of ACUs spamming armies of on-site produced drones the size of buildings at their smallest (I.e. And with this reconstruction comes a chance for fresh faces and new abilities to be introduced as you journey through the Omega 4 Relay.. RELATED: Every Squad Member In The Mass Effect Universe Ranked From Worst To Best Compared to the other two games in the trilogy, Mass Effect 2 boasts a giant roster of . spartandude N1. reminiscence about virmire, haestrom, the sacrifices of others and finding comfort with someone who shared the old days. known: javik, james, EDI, cortez, EDI, james, javik (bit of lore from his cycle), garrus, liara. 5/13/2020 in General. Nothing story- or gameplay-wise. It fits the story best if you do it late imo but if you want to use the rewards then do it earlier. Firewalker. james + javik: "you're like sun tzu, but with more eyes!" the points of interest here are the catacombs, the murals (kalros but not kakliosaur paintings), and the reaper destroyer. The Suicide Mission is the core of Mass Effect 2; every action you take throughout the game leads up to this moment, and in this ending, any member of the Normandy crew or your cast of combat . Intricacy and choice drive the trilogy, and . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Thank you!!).**. "Spectres, well, that's what they look for- initiative, sound judgment, a dash of insanity." My novelization of Mass Effect 1, featuring Commander Nathaly Shepard and the rest of the crew, with an eventual Shenko romance. mass effect II. when asking aria about archangel, you -will- want to bring mordin if you got him first. Take Mordin to Grunt's recruitment mission. The mentor of Jack, killer of thousands, is the only human Ardak Yakshi, survived the closest thing to a Nuke, married into Quarian royalty, the first human to achieve Essence and the killer of Dashi. If the answer is yes, then this squad combination has that covered. Ill change it to Thane. and he won't ever believe javik is prothean. or prothy. Initially, Jack's recruitment mission sounds easy. Dossier the Justicar: Thane and Anyone - Thane has some dialogue referencing the princess bride. ; Dossier: Archangel: . Samaras Biotic power Reave is a solid asset in any fight and one of the best Biotic powers in the whole trilogy. It's arguably the best mission in the game; enjoy it! Shep needs the old buddy. Mass Effect 2 Tali Explaining What Dark Matter Is Doing To Haestrom, Mass Effect 2: Every Squad Recruitment Mission, Ranked, Dossier: The Veteran (Zaeed Massani) AndDossier: The Master Thief (Kasumi Goto), Mass Effect: Commander Shepard's 5 Most Dangerous Side Missions (& 5 Easy Ones), many consider to be the best companion in the series. Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda Posts: 1,411 Likes: 3,013 Squadmate Build Compendium: ME2 Edition . so many permutations it's practically redundant to detail them here. For Garrus's recruitment, you go undercover as a freelance mercenary. Alchera (Normandy crash site DLC). your love interest if you want to go thematically appropriate even if there's no dialogue to be had. goddammit. And for any situation that requires shields to be taken down, Miranda can simply Overload. Gameplay-wise, bring someone who can deploy broad attacks with a level-4 power: Pull (Jacob), Attack Drone (Tali), Shockwave (Jack), Inferno Grenade (Zaeed), or Cryo Blast (Mordin). if tali is romanced, EDI will speak up if other squadmate is clueless (or if she's the other squadmate). In this video, we'll explore the best squadmates to bring along for each mission in Mass Effect 2. RELATED: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Choices That Impact The Whole Game. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. In this mission, you travel to Korlus to find and recruit Warlord Okeer. NEXT:Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Tali Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. Lair of the Shadow Broker: Anyone - The rewards for this mission are super useful but you cant really use them if you do it this late. Mass Effect 2: Best Squad Combinations, Ranked, Every Squad Member In The Mass Effect Universe Ranked From Worst To Best, Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Best Tech Abilities, Ranked, Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Choices That Impact The Whole Game, the best squad combinations in the first Mass Effect, Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Best DLC, Ranked, just how close these two can get in Mass Effect 3, their performances throughout Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect Legendary Edition: All Combat Abilities, Ranked. i always found having to choose which squadmates to deploy time-consuming, sometimes picking the "wrong" squadmate for the mission then restarting after completion (no dialogue compared to others or just the wrong feel for the character="wrong"). Players spend most of Mass Effect 2 preparing Commander Shepard, the Normandy and its crew for the suicide mission on the other side of the Omega 4 Relay. Jack loyalty. Important story-wise to have your lead officers. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC.